Research Interests

My research focuses broadly on visual perception, and I am particularly interested in how internal representations emerge and unfold in the human brain. Although we intuitively believe that others experience the world similarly to us, we know that there are vast differences in how people experience their surroundings. My research aims to uncover internal representations that give rise to perception. I use neuroimaging combined with behavioural data, and computational models to examine how these internal representations emerge and how they dynamically change when we view different types of stimuli.


* equal contribution


  • Teichmann, L.*, Hebart, M., Baker, C. I. (2023). Dynamic representation of multidimensional object properties in the human brain. bioRxiv . [doi] [pdf] [code] [MEG data]

Peer-reviewed articles

    1. Hebart, M.*, Contier, O.*, Teichmann, L.*, Rockter, A. H., Zheng, C. H., Kidder, A., Corriveau, A., Vaziri-Pashkam, M., Baker, C. I. (2023). THINGS-data: A multimodal collection of large-scale datasets for investigating object representations in brain and behavior. ELife . [doi] [pdf] [code] [MEG data] [fMRI data] [behavioural data]
    2. Curby, K. M., Teichmann, L., Peterson, M. A., Shomstein, S. S. (2023). Holistic processing is modulated by the probability that parts contain task-congruent information. Atten Percept Psychophys. [doi] [pdf]
    3. Corriveau, A.*, Kidder, A.*, Teichmann, L., Wardle, S. G., Baker, C. I. (2023). Sustained neural representations of personally familiar people and places during cued recall. Cortex. [doi] [pdf] [code] [data]
    4. Teichmann, L.*, Moerel, D.*, Rich, A. N., Baker, C. I. (2022). The nature of neural object representations during dynamic occlusion. Cortex (registered report). [doi] [pdf] [code] [data]
    5. Curby, K., Teichmann, L. (2022). The time course of holistic processing is similar for face and non‑face Gestalt stimuli. Atten Percept Psychophys. [doi] [pdf]
    6. Teichmann, L., Moerel, D., Baker, C. I., Grootswagers, T. (2022). An empirically-driven guide on using Bayes Factors for M/EEG decoding. Aperture Neuro. [doi] [pdf] [code]
    7. Teichmann, L., Edwards, G., Baker, C. I. (2021). Resolving visual motion through perceptual gaps. Trends in Cognitive Science. [doi] [pdf]
    8. Teichmann, L., Grootswagers, T., Moerel, D., Carlson, T. A., Rich, A. N. (2021). Temporal dissociation of neural activity underlying synesthetic and perceptual colors. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. [doi] [pdf] [data + code]
    9. Wardle, S. G., Taubert, J., Teichmann, L., Baker, C. I. (2020). Rapid and dynamic processing of face pareidolia in the human brain. Nature Communications. [doi] [pdf]
    10. Teichmann, L., Quek, G. L., Robinson, A. K., Grootswagers, T., Carlson, T. A., Rich, A. N. (2020). The influence of object-colour knowledge on emerging object representations in the brain. Journal of Neuroscience. [doi] [pdf] [data + code]
    11. Teichmann, L., Grootswagers, T., Carlson, T. A., Rich, A. N. (2019). Seeing versus knowing: The temporal dynamics of real and implied colour processing in the human brain. NeuroImage. [doi] [pdf] [data + code]
    12. Teichmann, L., Grootswagers, T., Carlson, T. A., Rich, A. N. (2018). Decoding digits and dice with magnetoencephalography: evidence for a shared representation of magnitude. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. [doi] [pdf] [data + code]
    13. Coltheart, M., Cox, R., Sowman, P., Morgan, H., Barnier, A., Langdon, R., Connaughton, E., Teichmann, L., Williams, N., Polito, V. (2018). Belief, delusion, hypnosis, and the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex: A transcranial magnetic stimulation study. Cortex (preregistered). [doi] [pdf]
    14. Teichmann, L., Nieuwenstein, M. R. , Rich, A. N. (2017). Digit–color synaesthesia only enhances memory for colors in a specific context: A new method of duration thresholds to measure serial recall. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. [doi] [pdf]
    15. De Wit, B., Badcock, N. A., Grootswagers, T., Hardwick, K., Teichmann, L., Wehrman, J., Williams, M., Kaplan, D. M. (2017). Neurogaming technology meets neuroscience education: a cost-effective, scalable, and highly portable undergraduate teaching laboratory for neuroscience. Journal of Undergraduate Neuroscience Education. [pdf]
    16. Teichmann, L., Nieuwenstein, M. R. , Rich, A. N. (2015). Red, green, blue equals 1, 2, 3: Digit-color synesthetes can use structured digit information to boost recall of color sequences. Cognitive neuroscience. [doi] [pdf]

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